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Welcome To Our Theatre


Cool colored (purple and blue) birds making up a six sided star.

The genre of the Jewish Theatre is a vibrant performing arts experience with a rich and long-standing international history.

JTB Welcomes New
Producing Artistic Director

Darrell Ann Stone

Darrell began work in her new role on January 2, 2025

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Abby Lee and Tess Cunningham in Church and State (2018). Photo of two women sitting on a black couch.

Your Support Makes This Happen

Donors are listed in every playbill. Season sponsors and Individual production sponsors receive complimentary tickets for the sponsored shows. Your donation will help us continue the services and programs that we host to the community of Bloomington.

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At the Jewish Theatre of Bloomington, we thank those we have developed bonds with within the community that has added value to our organization. 

Logo for Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington. Has a red background and a black circle in the middle, with the organization's name in black text.
Logo of PSI Iota XI. It has white text on the right saying 'Psi Iota Xi', while the left has their logo in black and white. It has a lamp on top of a banner shape and the year 1897 and a harp-like object inside the banner. Below it is a streamer with different Roman numerals on it.
Green and grey text that says "Community Foundation Bloomington Monroe County". The word community is green and the first 'o' in foundation is also green.
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A logo for Alliance of Jewish Theatre. It has three Js in brown text. One is flipped upside down, another is written as normal, and one is mirrored. It also has orange and blue shapes to the left of the J's, as well as blue dots above some of the J's, making them lowercase.
Black and red text saying "visit Bloomington Indiana". The word "Bloomington" is in Hoosier red.
Logo for The City of Bloomington Arts Commission. It has a white diamond in the middle with crown-like shapes surrounding it.
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